Non-explosive expansive rock breaking

Expansive rock breaking is one of the essential jobs for the construction industry. As technology has evolved the introduction of non-explosive, non-toxic chemical agents have made the rock breaking work comparitvely less hazardous.  Previously the involvement of heavy machineries like jack hammers, drilling machines and pickaxe was required. Now the use of these has been considerably minimized. So how do the chemical agents aid in rock breaking? This FB Page contains all news on rock crushing and rock breaking technology.

Here we try to illustrate the steps:

  1. Inspection of the site is done primarily. Following this all the tools are arranged. These are typically the demolition agent, water, measuring the temperature of the site and then selecting the best chemical agent.
  2. Initially holes are drilled on the rock. The holes are drilled precisely as small holes and bigger holes can both hinder the rock breaking process.
  3. Usually the size of the holes is not more than 40mm in diameter.
  4. Once the fissure has been created the chemical agent is mixed with cold water on a specific ratio. Hot water should never be used.
  5. The mixture is then poured on the holes. Consequently series of operations are performed to remove trapped air pockets.
  6. The chemical can take anywhere up to 24-72 hours to react. This is entirely dependent on the rock that is going to be broken. The chemical is capable of generating massive expansive pressure.
  7. The rock then breaks into several pieces and the job is accomplished.

There are however safety guidelines that are needed to be maintained. This method is comparatively less hazardous than conventional blasting it can be dangerous as the pressure generated is massive.  Presently there are several companies providing these chemical agents. Another popular non explosive agent are the those that use cartridges. Depending on the type of rock breaking work the construction company can select their expansive rock breaking agent.

The use of conventional rock blasting is still in use. However the future seems to be in the hands of these non-explosive and non-toxic agents. We can expect the expansive rock breaking work to become totally safe as newer demolition agents come out.